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User Guide

Heylo is a desktop app for managing your day-to-day tasks with a friendly chatbot while still having the speed of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Quick start

  1. Make sure you have Java 11 or above installed in your computer.

  2. Download the latest heylo.jar from the Releases page of Heylo’s repository.

  3. Double-click the downloaded file to start the app. The interface similar to the following should appear.


  1. Refer to the Usage below for the details of each command supported.

  2. Type your command in the command box and press Enter or the Send button to let Heylo respond to it.

  3. Skyrocket your productivity!


  1. Viewing all tasks πŸ€“
  2. Adding todos πŸ“
  3. Noting events πŸŽƒ
  4. Managing deadlines πŸ“…
  5. Marking tasks as (un)done βœ…
  6. Deleting tasks πŸ—‘
  7. Searching for tasks πŸ”
  8. Prioritising tasks 🌟

Why Heylo?


Notes about the command format

Viewing all tasks: list

Lists all the tasks managed by the Heylo app.

Format: list

Adding todos: todo

Adds a simple todo to the task list with your specified description.

Format: todo <description>

Example: todo Study for midterms

Noting events: event

Adds an event along with the date it will occur on to the task list.

Format: event <description> /at <yyyy-mm-dd>

Example: event Halloween /at 2022-10-31

Managing deadlines: deadline

Adds a task along with the date of its deadline to the task list.

Format: deadline <description> /by <yyyy-mm-dd>

Example: deadline Submit iP /by 2022-02-18

Marking tasks as done: mark

Marks a task as done.

Format: mark <index>

Example: mark 5

Marking tasks as not done: unmark

Marks a task as not done.

Format: unmark <index>

Example: unmark 2

Deleting tasks: delete

Deletes a task from your task list.

Caution: This is an irreversible action.

Format: delete <index>

Example: delete 11

Searching for tasks: find

Finds tasks that match the input that you have entered and lists them according to their index in the task list.

Format: find <search-string>

Example: find mid

Mark tasks as low priority: low

Marks the specified task as low priority with a * prefix.

Format: low <index>

Example: low 3

Mark tasks as medium priority: med

Marks the specified task as medium priority with a ** prefix.

Format: med <index>

Example: med 8

Mark tasks as high priority: high

Marks the specified task as high priority with a *** prefix.

Format: high <index>

Example: high 1

Clear task priority: no-p

Removes the priority of the task.

Format: no-p <index>

Example: no-p 2

Exit the chatbot: bye

Saves all your tasks and exits the application.

Format: bye

Command summary

Action Format Example
List list list
Todo todo <description> todo Study for midterms
Event event <description> /at <yyyy-mm-dd> event Halloween /at 2022-10-31
Deadline deadline <description> /by <yyyy-mm-dd> deadline Submit iP /by 2022-02-18
Mark mark <index> mark 2
Unmark unmark <index> unmark 11
Delete delete <index> delete 5
Find find <search-string> find Hallow
Low priority low <index> low 7
Medium priority med <index> med 12
High priority high <index> high 1
No priority no-p <index> no-p 12
Exit bye bye